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Background checks issues that may arise

Background checks issues that may arise

While background checks are fairly standard these days, the fact is that sometimes errors can arise and that these can adversely affect a person’s opportunities for employment or loans.

Human error

Human error is often enough a reason for a background check going wrong. Most often this error has to do with data entry where a person putting in your information at some institution handing background checks puts it in incorrectly. As a result, when a background check is made, erroneous information is handed out. 

Identity theft

There are whole organisations of hackers and scammers who specialise in identity theft, where they steal a person’s identity and use it in various ways. These ways range from perpetuating fraud to taking loans or even avoiding arrest. Needless to say, since they steal an identity to do this, all this will be registered to the identity they have stolen, and you can just imagine how this can affect background checks. 

Machine error

While modern databases are so vast, it can happen occasionally that a machine turns out incorrect data. 

Outdated information

It can happen, for example, in the case of a criminal conviction, that a government wipes clean such records after a certain period of time. However, the agencies running the background checks, may not update their records as regularly. As a result, criminal convection may remain on a record during a background check after it was legally removed. 

However, life doesn’t end if you have to deal with a background check error. First of all, check the Fair Credit Reporting Act. And of course, we’ll be happy to hear from you if you need further help with dealing with any of these issues.

 Read the full version of the original article here: https://consumerattorneys.com/article/what-are-common-background-check-errors

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