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Emergency Dentistry Manhattan, NYC

Emergency Dentistry Manhattan, NYC

Emergency toothache relief is front of mind when you’re in pain. Your NYC emergency dentist can help. When you call Dr. Alex Shalman during business hours, he’ll get you in quickly because he operates a boutique practice that gives him the freedom to make accommodations for emergencies. Urgent dental care follow-up after a hospital visit due to an accident is another priority at Dr. Shalman’s office. He has the expertise to ensure that the injury doesn’t affect your long-term oral health or your appearance. No matter your dental emergency, call your dentist as soon as possible.

When Do I Need Emergency Dental Care?
Emergency dental visits are reserved for situations that require immediate or rapid treatment. If you are seriously injured, such as in a vehicle accident, go to the nearest hospital emergency room. If not, you might be able to wait until your dentist's office opens. When you don't have any other life-threatening injuries, these are warning signs that you require immediate attention:

  • Bleeding gums
  • Severe tooth pain
  • Cracked, chipped or broken teeth, following an accident or sports injury
  • Lacerations to your gums
  • A dislodged tooth
  • Lost fillings
  • A broken jaw
  • Loose teeth
  • A swollen jaw and jaw pain
  • An excruciating headache after a dental injury

Most conditions that require urgent care can be painful due to gum and tooth sensitivity. In such cases, you require the best dental care available. Dr. Alex Shalman, a family dentist in Lower Manhattan. He has a boutique practice, which means he has the freedom to reschedule appointments and see you as soon as possible.

Dr. Shalman also makes time to give you his utmost attention. One of the best cosmetic dentists in NYC, he ensures that your treatment entails attention to your appearance, in addition to treating your injury.

What Should You Do in Case of Dental Emergency?
While waiting to see your dentist, you can take a few simple steps to ensure your treatment goes smoothly. Avoid further trauma by:

  • Staying calm despite the pain 
  • Contacting your emergency dentist in New York City for instructions
  • Avoiding mouthwash or other chemical-based solutions
  • Placing a tooth or fragment that’s fallen out in a glass of milk and taking it to the dentist
  • Gargling warm salt water
  • Using a cold compress on your cheek to reduce swelling and pain
  • Not taking any pain medication before you see your dentist.

Why Is Emergency Dental Care Important?
Consult your dentist in Manhattan as soon as possible if you have a painful dental emergency. Early diagnosis and treatment will allow your dentist to:

  • Prevent an escalation of gum damage
  • Avoid permanent tooth loss
  • Protect your jaw bone from permanent damage
  • Save the costs of future dental procedures
  • Restore your dental functions
  • Improve your appearance, in the case of chipped or cracked teeth
  • Reduce the risk of oral infection, which can lead to long-term health concerns

When you contact Dr. Shalman, he will advise you on the first aid before you come to the clinic. Early care for your damaged tooth can often save it while reducing any pain you’re experiencing. During your visit, you receive personalized and effective care.

Read more: https://www.shalmandentistry.com/emergency-dental/

Shalman Dentistry
44 W 10th St #1A,
New York, NY 10011
(212) 658-1093
Web Address https://www.shalmandentistry.com/
E-mail info@shalmandentistry.com

Our location on the map: https://goo.gl/maps/9ENYtMPdBxuWHdBf9
https://plus.codes/87G8P2M3+J2 New York  

Nearby Locations:
Greenwich Village | Chelsea | Nomad | Kips Bay | Soho | Noho
10011, 10012, 10013, 10014 | 10001| 10016

Working Hours:
Monday: 9am–5pm
Tuesday: 9am–5pm
Wednesday: 9am–5pm
Thursday: 9am–5pm
Friday: 8am–2pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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