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Posted 03/27/2023 in Press Release by G&A Security

G&A Security: The Best Among Security Companies In The UK

G&A Security: The Best Among Security Companies In The UK

G&A Security is one of the leading security companies Darlington, providing both residential and commercial security services to customers across the country. The company has a long history of providing quality security services, and it has recently been recognised as the best security company in the UK by a leading independent review site.

This company provides effective professional security services across the UK. Their experienced team of security professionals are dedicated to providing tailored solutions for a range of needs, from static and mobile guarding to key holding, alarm response and CCTV solutions. They are committed to delivering an outstanding level of service that helps put our client’s minds at ease.

In addition to their security services Darlington, they also offer a range of other services to help keep premises secure and running smoothly. These include cleaning, maintenance, and infrastructure management services. Their comprehensive approach ensures that all areas of security are managed with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail.

They understand and manifest the importance of peace of mind for their clients, which is why they are recognised as an award-winning security firm that is ISO 9001 accredited with over 40 years of combined experience in the industry. Their state-of-the-art 24-hour control room ensures continuous vigilance, and they offer services ranging from one-day to long-term solutions.

They have the latest alarm and CCTV equipment on the market and a unique Guard Tour System that guarantees efficient security. Their Key Holding service is compliant with BS 7984, assuring that correct procedures will be performed at all times. They also provide highly trained private security guards in the UK who go through vetting to BS 7858 standards. That's why with G&A Security, you can expect an unparalleled level of security that keeps your premises safe, secure and running smoothly.

According to their website: “When you procure G&A Security as your provider, we will assign a Contract Manager, regardless of the size of your project or length of your project. This Contract Manager will support your needs from start to finish, ensuring a clear line of communication is always maintained. This demonstrates to our clients that we can consistently provide products and services that meet both customer and regulatory requirements”.

Visit https://www.ga-security.co.uk/ to learn more about what they can offer to individuals and businesses.

About G&A Security

G&A Security is one of the UK's leading security companies, providing professional security services to businesses and organisations throughout the country. Their team offers a wealth of experience and expertise, ensuring that their clients receive continuous vigilance and protection. They provide a wide range of security services, including static and mobile guards, key holding, alarm response, CCTV solutions, and cleaning, maintenance, and infrastructure management services. They are an award-winning firm with ISO 9001 accreditation, and we pride ourselves on our commitment to client satisfaction. If interested in acquiring their services, you may call them at 01325 464340 or send them an email at info@ga-security.co.uk. Alternatively, you may fill out their contact form at https://www.ga-security.co.uk/contact-us/.

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