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How We Treat Health Conditions and Diseases

How We Treat Health Conditions and Diseases

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We often talk to people who think that holistic doctors don’t actually tend to their patients’ diseases, but instead promote some type of generalized wellness idea that will help people feel better all around without fixing any actual conditions. This simply isn’t true. In fact, some might argue that holistic doctors do a better job of treating disease than the rest of the American healthcare system.

Perhaps it’s a flaw in the way that physicians are schooled now, or perhaps because pharmaceuticals have become so advanced, but much of Western healthcare has gotten to the point where doctors are treating the symptoms of problems instead of the actual diseases themselves. On the other hand, holistic doctors- like Dr. Anya at Total Holistic Center- will evaluate your physical condition, mental state, and lifestyle to understand what’s the root of your problem, then will confront the problem at its root.

“Holistic doctors will… confront the problem at its root.”

 Can Total Holistic Center Treat My Disease?

For example, let’s say you are suffering from depression. In this case, a traditional Western doctor will prescribe antidepressants to ease the symptoms of depression. If the antidepressant causes common antidepressant side effects such as diarrhea, sleeplessness, or anxiety, then the doctor will likely prescribe 2 or 3 other medications to fix those problems. This often creates a neverending cycle of prescribing medications to fix problems that other medications have created. What’s lost in this process is that the original problem was never really treated. This is why people will often get on medications, get “better”, stop taking the medications, and then find themselves back at square one.

On the contrary, in the same case, a holistic doctor will get a 360° picture of your physical health, mental state, and lifestyle to understand what’s causing your depression. Everything from dietary habits to hormonal imbalance to a recent death in the family could be at the root of the condition. After understanding where the problem is rooted, a holistic doctor will then create a treatment plan that is specialized just for fixing your problem- not a one-size-fits-the-entire-population solution like antidepressants.


Can I Talk With A Holistic Doctor For Free?

Yes, there is- at Total Holistic Center, your initial 15-minute consultation with us is FREE. We’ll take time to understand your problems, then will suggest treatment options that will work for you. Call us at (561) 323-4994 to schedule yours or click the button below and we’ll get in touch with you. We believe Dr. Anya is the best holistic Doctor in Boca Raton, and we’re looking forward to proving it to you.

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