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Painful Sexual Intercourse: Why Sex Hurts?

Painful Sexual Intercourse: Why Sex Hurts?

Many women diagnosed with endometriosis have very painful sexual intercourse. Some of them even give up from having sexual intercourse with their partner at all. This all leads to serious relationship problems, a lack of self – esteem, and even personality problems.

Painful Sexual Intercourse & Relationships
But how can you enjoy having sex while it hurts? It is normal for women who experience sex not to want it and even be unable to enjoy it. Can this pain be treated? Are there any solutions which will help make sex satisfying again? These are some of the questions that every women suffering from endometriosis and having painful sexual intercourse will try to get an answer.

According to many researches among women diagnosed with endometriosis, it has been estimated that more than half of them have painful sexual intercourse. Women, who have this kind of problems, often tend to be embarrassed and find it very difficult to talk to their partners about it. This makes it all even more frustrating for them. But there is and should be not just a women’s problem. It should be a problem of both of the partners, a problem in couple. Only together with the partner, you as a women can manage to get over it and find the best solution when it comes to sex for both of you.

Some women find it also very difficult to talk to their problem with the gynecologist. But as mentioned before there is nothing to be embarrassed off.

What is Endometriosis? Causes, Complications & Treatment
Endometriosis is a disease that affects women at a young age, worldwide. It is also one of the leading causes of infertility. Endometriosis occurs when the endometrial tissue which is normally found within the uterus, starts to grow in different places, outside of the uterus.

The location of the endometrial tissue, rather than its size determine the severity of pain experienced while having sexual intercourse. Usually, if the endometrial tissue is localized behind the vagina and the lower part of the uterus, affecting the uterine ligaments and the uterine nerves as well, causes severe pain.

The pain caused by endometriosis can vary from mild to moderate and even an unbearable pain. It can also be a sharp and stabbing pain, as well as a deep and widespread type of pain. The pain can be felt only with deep penetration in some women, while others feel it with any kind of penetration.

Read more: https://www.brooklynabortionclinic.nyc/painful-sexual-intercourse-why-sex-hurts/

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