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Posted 05/19/2023

Sidebar Rotating 250 x 250

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This purchase is for a rotating banner size of 250 x 500

Rotating web banner placements are located on strategic, high-traffic pages on the website. By hovering over the ad, you stop the rotation and can click on the image, which is linked to the advertiser’s website.

Web banners are offered with online-only individual pricing. This banner pricing is for a month starting from the published date. Banners will be removed at the end of the month. Customers have the option to buy another month to continue displaying their Ads. Banner ad sizes are pixel width x height. 

You will receive an email with instructions to provide your own web banner(s) ready formatted to our size/art specs 250 x 250, and submit your finished ad as a .PNG or .JPG file via email after your payment.

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